COVID Ramble (& Happy Easter!)


It's been a wee while since catching up with Studio36 news, To be honest I had started a blog type newsletter and then COVID struck the household (Photo is me being useful pre covid.. think I look a bit flushed- it was on it’s way!)

(Apologies for the length of this blog - you can tell I need to get out more.)

This has been a journey. Not AWFUL, but probably a bit tougher than I expected. As a self confessed smug 'I've never had proper flu' person, this was probably the closest I would like to wander into that experience. And I really appreciate I have so little to complain about compared with so many. 
But from being a 'glass half full 'person, I can admit my glass was pretty empty at times, with associated brain fog.  Definitely affected my mood. It's so much better but a work in progress...
One of the ways I dealt with my impending doom(!) mindset was to try get out for a daily walk with Archie. Sometimes didn't feel like it but always felt better afterwards. We are so blessed to live in a place where we can find a deserted beach or woods that keeps our distance from folks but allows the mood boosting benefits of outdoors. The weather also helped, you will agree am sure, Northern Ireland is stunning in the sunshine. But what I have missed (and see the difference in 10days), is the weight bearing through upper body! Fascinating. More of that below..  

On the walking theme, one of my clients was told recently that the waiting list for an hip replacement on the NHS was ....15 YEARS!! Yikes. Basically it's just saying it is not going to happen. SO - we absolutely need to keep up our constant pursuit of being mobile and strong. 
Wee Note on Social Media …

As I emerge from the brain fog of Covid, I realise it allowed me some time to reflect on some things. One of them is Social Media. 
Over the recent years I have listened to well meaning friends, colleagues and even paid advisors, who have extolled the benefits of capturing an audience on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, to promote and raise awareness of the business. 
I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with social media and I HAVE tried…really tried. Well...maybe I could have tried a little harder.
Here’s the thing... 

It’s really not ‘me’. Very likely wrong generation. Although I am aware that is probably an excuse. On reflection if I consider whether it truly aligns or resonates with me, it really doesn’t. Not enough make it 'flow' and avoid over thinking about it. And that’s the fundamental problem. 
(You can tell I have been thinking about this waaay too much!!) 
Same with movement. We can’t hide from ourselves. If we dislike an activity, most of us are probably not going to change our minds, and hopefully gone are the days we force ourselves to run, swim, cycle if we don’t enjoy it. 
Sea swimming  - that’s one. I know I LOVE it in the even slight warmth and on holiday where I have flexible working hands to get my crevices dry. (There’s an unfortunate image now in your heads) But just not sure about the icy cold local waters in mid winter. EXCEPT the towelling robes. I’ve said before, if anything gets me in, it’ll be the potential ownership of a robe. I TOTALLY respect those who do partake, but not sure, yet, if I quite ‘get it’.


  • Some exercises/movements are non negotiable if we want to maintain healthy function and enjoy life to the full. ie sitting onto and off low chair/loo, reaching to high cupboard/washing line, getting up/and down from floor, rolling over in bed, lifting shopping, or heavy item off floor, gardening etc. We just need to try our best to keep these routine activities available to us. Feet, ankles, knee, hip hinges. Reaching and stretching up and down. Twisting/rotating from neck to feet. Side stretches. Doesn't need to be perfect but your body will appreciate the effort in years to come. As my dentist always says: only floss the teeth you want to keep. In Pilates terms: only move the joints you want to use. So simple.

  • We are never done with balance. Better balance = less falls. Less falls = better chance of survival long term. It's as simple as that. Practice standing on one leg, or standing as if on a tightrope, with eyes closed is esp challenging. Choose your moment. Keep eyes open in Tesco queue.

  • Walking and running are great but you need to be flexible and strong enough to do that. Plus Pilates itself isn't ALL the exercise you should do. It's a means to make your body work better. Think of it as brilliant movement nutrition, but we need a varied diverse diet.

  • Strength is key. We lose muscle power at a rate of at least 1% per annum after the age of 50. Can be up to 2% by age of 70. Technical term is Sarcopenia. Weight-bearing activities help to offset this deterioration and optimise bone density. The idea that we rest up and take it easy as we age is an interesting thought, but likely outdated if we want to spring into our 90s. What is weight bearing activity? Anything that involves resistance and loads the joints eg walking, squatting, four point kneeling, side lifting, darts etc (which help load the spinal joints). Reformer work and other equipment is mega for working against resistance too. eg Swimming is a brilliant cardiovascular exercise but unless swimming with a weighted jacket, or power walking the pool, we routinely need more LOAD through joints to offset bone density issues.

  • People living in 'Blue Zones' where longevity is the norm, don't usually exercise as such, but their lives are full of MOVEMENT. Our sedentary culture works against our innate need to move! and not just in limited planes of movement. Dust into those corners! Again, we need a nutritionally rich varied movement diet to thrive. Get those Movement Snacks in!

Ok. Back to social media

Don’t get me wrong. As an infrequent lurker I love seeing other people’s posts that are inspirational, beautiful, poignant, funny and especially if they are self-effacing. Anita is BRILLIANT at it. She posts beautiful videos of Pilates sequences and joy. I love it.
Stick to your strengths I say. When inspired I might post the odd one, and its easy, in fact I have one lined up in my head. But as for constantly feeling the pressure to bow to Meta's (Facebook's) demands to ‘keep in touch’ with my audience. Na. Not me.
For now.

I have worked in the Pilates business for nearly 25 years. And its 35 years if you go back to my foundation of physiotherapy. I have never sat idle. One of the hardest times to navigate has been the pandemic, just the constant changes of goal posts and learning new skills.
Flip, getting myself and everyone on Zoom was one of the greatest achievements of my life!! Seriously. Teachers and clients were phenomenal.
But, there's nothing like the human and neural enhancing connection of being back in the studio.

Over the years studio36 has cultivated a great community and loyal bunch of wonderful clients, primarily through word of mouth advertising. Still think its the best way. It continues to build. We are fortunate enough to practice in an amazing space and the business has done its job. The priority has always been movement, but it would be hard to ignore the friendships that have developed over the years. Always a joy to witness, even on Zoom!
As a studio I really hope we encourage a community with an unthreatening environment of inclusion. We have micro and macro tribes within classes, clients very often return after a time of absence, and we always welcome fresh new faces, all shapes, sizes, and mixed abilities. I love the fact we have regular classes with clients in their 80s/90s. Movement is life.

Some new clients exclaim the studio is the best kept secret – the irony isn’t lost on me. Think we could possibly improve our signage!

Finally. I’ve realised that my passion/purpose is definitely teaching movement, and the thing I value (even more than flexible strong feet and a squat) is kindness. Social media is a brilliant mode of communication for many, which I can totally appreciate. Fill your boots. But I'd rather take a walk.

So, please forgive me if you are an avid social media fanatic and don’t see numerous posts, Covid has helped to cut down the guilt tree on that one!

  • Wee anecdotal aside. Got a new sling ball throwing thing for Archie (our nuts Cockapoo). Part of the sales pitch is the design ‘saves you bending over to pick up the ball’. Can you imagine what I thought of that?? Yes, save those knees. Heaven forbid you might want to use them in later years…!!


Inspirational Greetings from Norway and Start of New Term
