Another hiccup…

OK ....another wee hiccup. 

The powers that be have spoken.
From Monday 19th October we are taking another short sabbatical from live studio classes..Matwork and Reformer. Zoom takes over once again...

From September we have had a fantastic run of enthusiasm back to Mat and Reformer Classes, it was great to have the studio up and running again, even with the hands sanitised off us and repetitive strain injury from floor mopping!!
We have worked really hard to make studio36 a safe environment..and this has been universally one client kindly put it.."thanks for all the measures you have put in as houses in your studio!"
However we know when we need to pull back and tow the line. But never fear, we will return! Just as soon as we get the green light. 

Hurrah for ZOOM ..where would we be without it?  We know it is not ideal for all, but we know the system, we have the whole thing set up. No hassle. 
We need to anchor ourselves with routine, connection and movement to keep us all sane (ish) at this time and, so far so good, the support for our ongoing teaching has been just fantastic. We have endeavoured and been largely successful in keeping groups and classes together with the reassurance of familiar faces appearing each week, consistent class times and teachers working! This has been the plan. 

With your agreement this would continue over the next four weeks with reverting to ZOOM, keeping the same time schedule as closely as can, but please note schedule to see if there are any changes. Reformer classes will revert to Matwork Zoom and cost will reduce to £10 instead of £15. If already attending a class and happy to ZOOM you DO NOT need to do anything. The ZOOM link will be the same as over the summer/September/October link.

(NB Stephanie will contact her own clients and sort her own ZOOM link details etc.)

To be honest we cannot rule out that this might be a repeating picture for a while. 


We also plan to catch up with some very patient 1:1 clients who have been waiting in the wings as we got the classes re-established. All the studio equipment will be put to good use and time will fly. We do realise this is testing the patience of many of you again who thought they had finished investigating the fluff balls under their sofa when Threading Their Needle..

Off Halloween week (w/c 26/10/20) which is well timed. Tiny problem that we can't see anyone or go anywhere but the Autumnal sun might shine and Norn Iron will look gorgeous. 

Please see schedule below re Zoom classes. Majority are the same time, just NOT live in studio. 


  • Thursday 10.45/11.55 combined to  ZOOM class at 10.45am. As we did in the summer... 

  • Thursday 6.25pm start changed to 6.30pm. 

    If you fancy booking into an extra class just let me know. 
    All back up and running hopefully from Monday 16th November...

    Thank you, your loyalty to the community of Studio36 is so appreciated.

    Ali, Stephanie, Megan and Laura


NO CLASSES WEEK COMMENCING Monday 26th October (except Megan teaching Monday 26th morning Zoom Classes - but she is off the Monday 9th November)


An Inspiring Personal Story


Studio36 Re-opening!