New Beginners Pilates Class!

Like everyone else we can't wait to return to the studio space in the not too distant future, but realistically we might have a few hurdles to get over first! In anticipation of our return and responding to enquiries about starting Pilates, we are introducing a NEW Zoom Beginners Class with fab teacher Laura, who currently teaches Mat Zoom in the studio, and Reformer when allowed!
Support for Zoom has been amazing, it has been a total lifeline for these times, and will be a feature for some time to come. Clients so appreciate the combination of practising strong Pilates work with the added benefit of a weekly social catch up with fellow classmates. Hugely important. Also as a teacher its amazing how much you can see and correct when all the clients are well lined up! If new to Pilates think about giving it a try...

Monday 15th March 5.25pm
Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: £48

Teacher: Laura Glenn
Wed 17th March

Monday 15th March (St Patricks Day but can't see many going away for that one!)
Monday 22nd March
Monday 29th March
Monday 12th April
(NOTE: Studio36 closed w/c 5/4/21)

It is suitable for all beginners, or those who want to go back to the basics of Pilates and prepare you for attending the studio (or even possibly joining an ongoing Zoom class).

You will need a computer/phone/ iPad with access to Zoom. We can help you with this if necessary.
Zoom link etc will be sent once you register in the class.
Numbers will be limited so please contact the studio@ to book a place or find out a bit more detail.

For contact:
Studio36 Mobile: 07484 642470


Please get in touch to enquire about Zoom privates..1:1s are great way to get introduced to Pilates, or just to get back into a class if haven't attended for a while.

Cheers. Ali x 


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